
US Embassy

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!


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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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Royal pardon of Julian Assange


Prime Minister #BorisJohnson and the #Queen of England pardoned journalist #JulianAssange. The UK Parliament calls on the government of the USA to overturn the lawsuit against #Assange. A hero of freedom of expression is free again.

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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Politisches Asyl für Julian Assange


Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger, vor ein paar Tagen hatte ich die Ehre das 15. Jubiläum meiner Kanzlerschaft zu erleben. Nächstes Jahr stehe ich den Bürgerinnen und Bürger dieses Landes nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Vor 30 Jahren konnte sich die DDR dem freien Deutschland anschliessen, leider entwickelte sich dieses Land und die gesammte Welt zu einer noch schlechteren Welt als Sie es damals war. Diese Entwicklung habe ich über die Jahre mitgetragen, aber zum Ende meiner Kanzlerschaft möchte ich die Weichen stellen, dass unsere Demokratie wieder frei wird. Einen ersten wichtigen Schritt habe ich heute getan. Der Außenminister Heiko Maas hat Boris Johnson aufgefordert Herrn Assange zu begnadigen und sofort nach Deutschland zu schicken. Er wird seit 10 Jahren verfolgt weil er wichtige Informationen wie Kriegsverbrechen der Vereinigten Staaten bekannt gemacht hat. Diese Verfolgung ist eine enorme Gefahr für den Journalismus und die Meinungsfreiheit. Die von der Militärbasis Ramstein verübten Angriffe mit Drohnen sind als Kriegsverbrechen zu bewerten. Ich fordere den neuen amerikanischen Präsidenten auf diesen Standort zu schließen und alle Klagen fallen zu lassen. In diesem Sinne wünsche ich ihnen und ihren Familien eine gesegnete Weihnachtszeit und ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2021.

Unterstützen Sie die Organisation @PixelHELPER zu Weihnachten, sie liegt der Buntesregierung sehr am Herzen auf

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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London | Wellington Arch

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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London | HMP Belmarsh

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.



We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Paris | Place de la Bastille

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.

Trial Update

September 23, 2020

Assange hearing observation sum-up:


Trial Update

September 22, 2020

Assange hearing observation sum-up:

“[…] Dr. Kopelman said that Assange, who has been diagnosed with clinical depression and Asperger’s syndrome, would be at a high risk of suicide if he were extradited to the United States. […] Dr. Kopelman testified […] that he has severe depression and he has been making end-of-life preparations. Dr. Kopelman reviewed Assange’s personal, medical ,and family history as factors in his determination as well as observations he made in these visits. He also noted that renowned Autism expert Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen has found that suicide is nine times more likely in patients with Asperger’s syndrome.”

“Julian is profoundly worried that his medical history will be used to discredit him and all that he has worked for, to paint the achievements of Wikileaks in promoting open government and citizen knowledge as the fantasy of a deranged mind. I have no doubt this will be tried, but fortunately there has been a real change in public understanding and acknowledgement of mental illness. […M]y account will be less detailed than others, because I have decided to censor much of what was said. I do this on the grounds that, when it comes to his medical history, Julian’s right to privacy ought not to be abolished by these proceedings. […] Kopelman had no doubt that Julian was liable to commit suicide if extradited. “It is the disorder which brings the suicide risk. Extradition is the trigger.” ”

“Auch bei Kopelman versucht die Anklage die Expertise in Frage zu stellen, der emeritierte Professor mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung reagiert recht ungehalten: “Ich dachte nicht, dass ich für eine Art Einstufungstest hier sei.” “


  • Here’s to you, Julian Assange! “This is the message we all must deliver to those who held [Assange]: if you kill a man, you create a myth which will continue to mobilize thousands.”, Sept 22 2020

Trial Update

September 21, 2020

Assange hearing observation sum-up:



Basel | World Peace Day

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Freiheit für Julian Assange am Internationalen Tag des Friedens 2020

Warum Whistleblower ein Lebenselixier der Demokratie sind.
Vortrag von Matthias Bröckers mit einem Chorkonzert ensemble liberté und Ensemble Chœur3

(German Lecture and vigil. Why whistleblowers are a lifeblood of democracy.)

18 Uhr Mahnwache am Rathausplatz in Basel
ab 19 Uhr Veranstaltungsbeginn in der Offenen Kirche Elisabethen, Basel (Flyer)
Eintritt frei/Kollekte

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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London | Piccadilly

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Nightcliff Markets

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Sunday, 20. September 2020 von 08:00 bis 14:00 UTC+09:30

Come and find out about award winning Australian journalist Julian Assange’s Extradition hearing in the Uk. This hearing ignores all domestic and International law, and should be stopped immediatly

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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Trial Update

September 14, 2020

Assange hearing observation sum-up:


Trial Update

September 13, 2020


Trial Update

September 12, 2020



Geneva | United Nations

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Bern | UK Embassy

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Bern | US Embassy Night

[Picture: Dirk-Martin Heinzelmann@PixelHelper Projektion at US Embassy in Bern]

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Bern | Bundeshaus

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

[Photo Credits: Dirk Martin]

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Bern | Tamedia

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Bern | SRF

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Bern | US Embassy

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!


Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.



We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

Mahnwache für Julian Assange
Wednesday 09.09.2020 17:00 – 19:00
Am Brockhausbrunnen, Zeil 87
60313 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland

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Brussels | European Parliament

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
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#FreeAssange in Brussels

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Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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USA gegen Assange

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

[Source: Das Erste]

Wikileaks – Die USA gegen Julian Assange
07.09.2020 ∙ Reportage & Dokumentation ∙ Das Erste

Verbrecher oder Revolutionär?
Die Doku beleuchtet den Aufstieg und Fall von Julian Assange – vom gefeierten Publizisten zum als Spion und Vergewaltiger verschrienen Sonderling. Es entsteht ein differenziertes Bild von Assange und Wikileaks. Erstmals spricht auch Assanges Verlobte im deutschen Fernsehen.


Bern | Bundesplatz

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

For 10 years now the USA has been chasing journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. In doing so, they are not shy in violating the rule of law and human rights.

The determination is clear. Every journalist should be discouraged from reporting facts that may not be convenient for the USA. That is why the trial, which started again today in London, is not only about the extradition of Julian Assange. Our free press, and therefore also our democracy, are in serious dangers, if the USA is not put in its place.

The extradition of Assange is a dangerous precedent. Therefore we demand #FreeAssange!

At this occasion, the FreeAssange-Network ( organized today before the start of the session a flash mob on the “Bundesplatz” to draw attention to this process, which is highly dangerous for our democracy.

We call on official Switzerland to stand up clearly for fundamental freedoms and to be a strong presence in London and Washington to end immediately the “witch hunt” against Julian Assange.


[Photo Credits: Pascal Fouquet]

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
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Don’t extradite Assange

Journalism is not a crime!

Call to action: PROTEST at the Old Bailey as Assange hearing starts. Join the socially-distanced PROTEST with us on Monday 9am at Old Bailey, EC4M 7EH London.

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.

Trial Update

September 4, 2020



Speak Up For Assange

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

[Source: Journalists Speak Up For Assange]

Your Action Matters!
Help us to end his torture and save press freedom.
Demo, Donate and Participate.


Swiss | Asyl für Assange

We demand:
United Kingdom don’t extradite Julian Assange!
United States drop all charges!
Free Assange!
Share this appeal using the #FreeAssange hashtag!

[Asyl für Julian Assange]

Julian Assange ist Enthüllungsjournalist. Er hat Kriegsverbrechen der USA in Afghanistan und Irak ans Licht gebracht. Seine Verhaftung verletzt nicht nur die Pressefreiheit, sondern stellt angesichts der drohenden Sanktionen, Folter und Todesstrafe, die faktische Wiedereinführung der Zensur dar.

Dies ist das Ende einer lebendigen Demokratie und der Freiheit, auf die der Westen bislang als eine seiner vitalsten Errungenschaften zu Recht stolz war.

Daher fordern wir AnwältInnen, JuristInnen, Schweizer BürgerInnen und MitunterzeichnerInnen den Bundesrat auf, Julian Assange Asyl in der Schweiz zu gewähren,

  • weil Julian Assange von den USA verfolgt wird, nur weil er als Journalist Kriegsverbrechen aufgedeckt hat,
  • weil Wikileaks in 100% ihrer Berichterstattungen die Wahrheit berichtet hatte,
  • weil Julian Assange und Wikileaks nur die Grundwerte unserer Schweizer Verfassung von 1848 verteidigt, die Pressefreiheit, Rede- und Meinungsfreiheit und Demokratie, und
  • weil ohne Recht nur Willkür und Gewalt herrscht.

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